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27 février 2009 5 27 /02 /février /2009 19:03


Who can beleive himself as known ?

There is so much inattention

We are crossing this universe

Being as opaque as a night

Only just we are brushing it

And it’s only just brushing us

The memory of us is and

Will only be distorsion,

Necessary stuttering,

Superficial misinterpretation.


Our words, the presence of our bodies

And gestures

Only will be remembered

As sketched fragmented tracks,

As fragments of interpretation.


Who can believe himself as known

There is so much carelessness

Towards others,

So few empathy,

So much hastly misunderstandings.


Each body is a skinbag

And each being,

A galaxy

Separated from its sisters

By abysses of light-years.


We lived as unknown

And we shall die as unknown,

There’s no proximity;

No, actually, there is nothing except coldness,

Cosmic indifference which is sowing


And language which is a felon

An untrue link that deludes




Mastodons of sky

Crushing the roofs,

Heavy-bellied clouds

With so marked outlines,

With your immaculate white colour

So strongly and resolutely outlined in relief

That it looks like a continent,

An improbable iceberg

Coming from another reality


Ô strange burgeoning

And snowy objects


Are-you belonging to a waking dream ?


You suddenly pop up and then

You stay in the blue of the sky, your spreading incongruity

Is catching our eyes for a very, very long time...


What are-you, are-you apparitions ?






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