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23 octobre 2011 7 23 /10 /octobre /2011 14:18




O heavy heart that aches with despair
Lost, despondent, and left to die
O the soul that concedes to the pain
Inside of me that yet abides
Where is the joy that this life was to bring?
Days I would escape memories of the forgotten?
Hope is gone and darkness to swallow me
Like grass that blankets the earth
Joy, a facade, a mask to hide the plights
Of unrelenting torment
Wondering in the dark
Nightmares transmute reality
Seasons unchanging
The hand that is bitterness
Hold only misery and sorrow
Wielding its sword to fell
Every instrument of suffering
But, alas weary
Fatally wounded
I am, undone…



Fifounette Chewie



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